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Stealing Time – Investigating Time Theft in the Workplace
When most people think of theft they think of stealing something tangible, a product, money, even client lists. But the most common type of theft among employees is of time. Since they aren’t physically taking something, it might not seem like stealing, but an...
Female Private Investigators – Breaking Down Industry Norms
According to Statistics Canada, there are nearly 70,000 Private Investigators working across Canada. 26,000 in Ontario alone. Approximately 24% of those are women. Still, when most people hear mention of a Private Investigator they immediately picture a Sherlock...
Why Investigators Need to “Write Right” – The Importance of Producing High-Quality Reports
Why is writing so important in our profession you might ask? It’s because the basis of each and every investigation is the final report that we provide to our clients. Once an investigation is complete, we compile everything from background and social media findings,...
How to Ensure You’re Getting Admissible Evidence
When there is a possibility of an investigation making it to trial, admissible evidence is what you need, and it is crucial to the success of your case. As Private Investigators, our training has taught us that when we receive a case, whether...
Why Would I Need to Hire a Private Investigator?
Most people would like to believe that they will never require the services of a private investigator. Unfortunately, we can’t always rely on the honesty of others, and situations may arise where we need an experienced professional to help us find the truth. We are...
Using a Private Investigator to Locate a Missing Person
Private Investigators are often used to track down missing person. They may be individuals who are next-of-kin, insurance claimants, avoiding creditors, or even avoiding alimony & child support payments. Some people will be harder to find than others. Some will be...
Surveillance F.A.Q’s
When potential clients approach us looking to hire a Private Investigation to conduct surveillance, they often have some questions. To better explain our job and put our clients’ minds at ease, we try to answer all of their questions in a clear and concise manner....
Social Media Investigations – How Can They Help?
The same goes for every type of investigation – the more information you have, the better. As social network sites continue to grow and social media continues to increase in popularity, people are becoming less concerned with their personal privacy. Social media has...
How to Prevent Theft & Fraud in the Workplace
Employee theft or fraud can come in many different forms. By definition, employee theft is “any stealing, use or misuse of an employer’s assets without permission”. The most common assets stolen by employees are: time (employees are being paid for time not worked),...
How to Conduct a Workplace Harassment Investigation
When a harassment claim is made in the workplace, employers are held liable. It is the employer’s obligation, not only legally but also ethically, to investigate every claim made, no matter how severe the allegations may be. Employers can prevent Bill 168 (workplace...
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